Actual hour . Rabat. Morocco..Tatsächliche Stunde. Rabat. Marokko.Heure actuelle . Rabat. Maroc.

mardi 27 octobre 2020


خلفية بيضاء


1 commentaire:

  1. THE clamour excited by the present work has not surprised me, and hence it has not in the least moved me from my position. On the contrary, I have once more, in all calmness, subjected my work to the severest scrutiny, both historical and philosophical; I have, as far as possible, freed it from its defects of form,

    Ludwig Feuerbach, "Essence of Christianity ", p.1


بعض الايات الكريمة من القران الكريم التي تتحدث عن نبي الله داوود عليه صلوات الله و سلامه بالاضافة الى ايات مباركة اخرى

  And indeed We bestowed grace on Dawud from Us (saying): "O you mountains! Glorify with him! And you birds (also)! And We made the ir...